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Mar 22, 2023

In this episode, Paul discusses a recent decision in a motion to dismiss filed by Perdue Farmers in an action by a former grower claiming the grower is an employee, not an independent contractor.  Materials discussed:

Feb 22, 2023

In this episode, Paul discusses a recent complaint filed by a former Perdue grower claiming the grower is an employee, not an independent contractor.  Materials discussed:

Feb 3, 2021

In this episode, Paul discusses a Maryland workers' compensation decision involving a poultry farm manager being found not to be the co-employee of both the farm owner and Tyson Farms, Inc.

Materials discussed in this episode:

Jul 17, 2019



In this episode, Paul posts the audio from a recent webinar he did covering ag labor issues. 

Recent high profile animal welfare videos have highlighted issues when employees can cause problems for livestock operations. Many farms should take a moment to review their hiring practices and how they train employees...

Oct 12, 2016

In July of 2015, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a memorandum revising the retail exemption for facilities that would be exempt from safety guidelines established for handling hazardous chemicals.  In this episode, Paul provides an overview of the recent decision by the DC Circuit Court...