Nov 21, 2018
In this episode, Paul provides an update on Food &
Water Watch v. Dep’t of Agric., No. 17-1714. Recently
the federal district court in D.C. found that the environmental
groups have standing and the case is not moot. Paul explains
all that and next steps in the case.
Materials discussed in this episode:
Buffalo River Watershed Alliance v. USDA, No. 4:13-cv-450-DPM, 2014 WL 6837005 (E.D. Ark. Dec. 2, 2014).
Goeringer, Paul, Challenge Brought Against Decision to Approve Loan Guarantee for Maryland Poultry Farm (AREC, Oct. 11, 2017).
If you have questions for Paul contact him at, tweet him @aglawPaul or 301-405-3541.